I am now 14 weeks pregnant (15 weeks tomorrow). The past 10 weeks have been a challenge for me. I have been extremely sick. On Sunday evening we got home from Tim's parents house and (without going into too much detail) I went to the bathroom and noticed I was bleeding. I knew that this was not normal for the second trimester. However, it was after hours and I couldn't call my doctor's office until the morning so I had a very, very long night of worrying, praying, pleading, hoping and being grateful for what I already had in my life. When morning FINALLY came, I called the doctor's office (as I was still bleeding) and they immediately scheduled an ultrasound for me....that's when I lost it...I knew this was serious. I was trying to be prepared for the worst (knowing that I would not be able to handle it) and at the same time I was pleading with my Heavenly Father for the best outcome. There were so many emotions running through my head as I drove to my appointment. I went into the ultrasound appointment, laid down on the table, and the woman started the exam. The first words she said were, "There's the heartbeat." I couldn't believe it! I've never been so grateful to see a little tiny heart beating. I was so overwhelmed with gratitude. I know that Heavenly Father answers our prayers.
I'm sure that Heavenly Father has given me difficult pregnancies so that I can learn to rely on him. I've never prayed so much and had so much faith in my life than when I am pregnant. My first true testimony of prayer came when I was pregnant with Payton and having many complications. Since then I have relied on prayer through Parker's pregnancy and now through this pregnancy. I know that if we have faith and rely on our Heavenly Father that we will be blessed. I realized yesterday that I am grateful for difficult pregnancies. It truly helps me be grateful for the many blessings that I have. I'm grateful to already have 2 healthy, beautiful boys. I'm grateful to have an amazing and supportive husband. I'm grateful for my testimony of prayer. I'm grateful that I can rely on my Heavenly Father to get me through hard times. I'm grateful for the priesthood. I'm grateful that I can call upon the power of the priesthood to receive blessings of healing and comfort. I'm grateful to be surrounded by many worthy priesthood holders that can exercise that power. I'm also grateful for the overwhelming support that I receive from family and friends. I have soo many blessings and soo many things to be thankful for during this month of Thanksgiving.
Oh yes, one more thing...I'm thankful to be having another BOY!! The minute I saw the ultrasound picture (below) my heart skipped a beat. I knew it was another boy. The ultrasound technician said that she wasn't ready to tell me for sure because it's still early, but she would bet her paycheck that when we come back for our next appointment it will be a boy. Looking at the picture, and having two other boys, I'd have to say it definitely looks like a boy to me. In the picture you can see the stomach, the legs crossed and the little "turtle" in between the legs. I am so grateful and happy to be having another boy! The other ultrasound picture is a profile of the baby's head, stomach and you can see his little leg tucked underneath him. Isn't life beautiful?!

It's a boy...

Congrats you guys. I am happy to hear that everything is okay, despitse the difficulties. Gib
I love this post. I truely felt your testimony of prayer as I read it. Thanks for sharing that. Congrats on another boy. Why have a girl when you're such a good boy mom, right? Hang in there.
Congratulations! That is so exciting! What a great post and testimony of prayer and faith. Aren't you always inspiring? I hope that you wont experience anymore dificulties, and that you can try to enjoy this pregnancy. It may not seem like it now but one day you will miss it, and be sad that you wont ever feel like that again. Take it from me :)
I was SO relieved to hear that everything is okay with you and your little baby!! I completely agree that pregnancy really forces you to your knees. I'm so excited for you to be having another little boy as well!! You are so lucky to have precious boys!
Wow, Britt! What a miracle - I didn't realize things were so hard for you. Glad everything/everyone is doing OK. Congrats on other boy - we just got back from our ultrasound - our baby is 22 weeks old, mind you, and they couldn't tell the gender. Sheesh.
Congratulations!!! I have been in those scary shoes so many times so I feel your pain and worry!! I'm so happy for you that everything is okay. What a relief! Congrats on the boy! How exciting!
First off congrats on being prego! I just found out a couple weeks ago. (I am the worst judge of that, among other things!) I am glad all is well. You are so cute with your boys, how fun to have another. Give me some of that water your drinking over there so we can get one going over here!
Thanks for the spiritual thoughts. I feel that living in Bullhead has given me a true testimony of prayer. Many times I have prayed to Heavenly Father to get us through our time here. The members here have really blessed my life. Congrats on the boy!! Ashton is excited for you to! Brice on the other hand...she was hoping for a girl!! Take care of the new baby and we will see you guys soon!
Oh my goodnes! Congrats on another boy! It can't believe you can know so early. Does that mean you'll keep on 'trying' for a girl or is this it?! Boys are certainly a joy!
Sorry for your scare, seems contagious or something. Have you ever had a miscarriage? Not fun! Certainly does make you count your blessings though.
Thanks for bringing a tear to my eyes w/ your gratitude list. You are wonderful! I am so glad you joined us today!
I'm glad to hear everything is ok. I know what you mean when you say you have to rely on the Lord for a lot when you are pregnant. However...I was kinda hoping you would have a girl. Our poor little Brice needs a girl cousin in her life! Looks like you might have to give it one more try!! ;)
Yay! So exciting! I am glad I have my girl, but just seeing Gabe makes me feel like it would be GREAT to have a houseful of boys! Congrats!
Brittany, The heart beat is such a beautiful and reassuring sound. I am glad that things are alright. I am soooo excited that you are having another boy. Yeah us! Tate is the liveliest of the bunch, he wants to right in the action with his other 2 brothers. He is already aggressively crawling. I love watching them all together. It really makes my heart happy. Love, Briana
I almost started to cry when I read that. It is very touching. Thanks for sharing that!
Oh and Congratulations on the BOY too! Your boys are so cute so its like you know your baby will be cute if its a boy but if its a girl, you really have no idea! j/k :) We all know you couldn't produce an unattractive child.
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