We had our "official" ultrasound and found out that we are definitely having a boy. It was no surprise to us! We are excited for another boy to enter our household. I hope that this one will be just as sweet as my other 2 boys. I truly do love having boys. I know that Heavenly Father knows what he is doing when he sends these children to us. Plus, I know that if I had a girl it would be payback time for me. I was pretty high maintenance as a child and even worse as a teenager. Luckily, I've grown out of that and now I am an angel...right?!? I'm lucky that my boys have a wonderful Dad to look up to. Plus, he was a good child & teenager so I hope that they take after him. Most of all, we are just grateful for the opportunity that we have to be parents. We realize that we are truly blessed!
Here is our little guy...

This picture is X rated and I probably should not post this, but this picture leaves no question as to what this child's gender is!
Congratulations Tim and Britt!!
How did you get boys exactly? We never quite figured that out!
Definetly a boy!! and you just keep on thinking that Tim was a good child and teenager!! j/k...He was a good big brother (as long as I stayed out of his way).
You were a little mother from the day you were born, much to the chagrin of Clint, Krista, and Erika. And maybe we didn't want to tell you along the way (because we needed to control you and wanted you to be humble and not let it go to your head) but you were a perfect child. Always.
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