This past weekend, Christmas came early at our house. We bought the boys bunk beds (in anticipation of our new baby) and we were going to surprise them and set them up for Christmas, but we picked them up and just couldn't wait. We were still able to surprise the boys. They went to a birthday party and we set them up while they were gone. They were both sooo excited!! I was also very excited. I thought that we were going to have to redo the red bead board & shelf on the wall, but I think it worked out and looks okay (what do you think?) Also, I was able to find some bedding that I think matches pretty well. As is typical with me, I was so worried about how it would "look" that I never even thought about the logistics of my children actually sleeping in the bed. I haven't slept for the past 2 nights because I was so worried that the top bunk would fall down and crush Parker. Seriously?! Who's idea were bunk beds anyway? Let's suspend 100 pounds in the air above a 2-year-olds fragile little body. It's crazy?! I'm not worried about the top bunk because Payton is the most cautious 5-year-old I know. He'll be fine! Anyway, the adjustment has been fun and crazy. I'm sad that my little Parker has moved into a big bed and out of his crib forever, but I know that it's time. Also, it's starting to hit me that we really are going to have another baby. That's crazy! Payton has done great in the new bed. He loves it! Parker is still getting used to sleeping in a regular bed with a pillow, a sheet, and a comforter, but he has done so well.
The bunk beds!!

I went to check on Parker last night after we put him down and this is what I found. He's not quite sure what he should be doing!

This is what I found when I checked on Parker at 2:30 am
A. Payton is a good boy. He can use some superpowers to hop down from the top.
B. Parker is bed conflicted. It is too complicated for him to have to cope with.
C. Why would you say out loud about the top bunk crashing down. Now I lay awake for the precious two hours I should be sleeping wondering how it will hold up in an earthquake.
Bunkbeds are great. Carson has one and we don't even have two boys. It comes in handy alot though. I can't believe how much snow is in your yard. It looks so pretty. I can't believe how envious of snow I am now. You look great!
Ashton still sleeps on the floor some nights, just because he wants to. He is crazy!! The bunk beds look great in the room! What a fun surprise for Christmas. Ashton keeps telling me that he wants a new bed. He said he wants the brown one with the green blanket. I have no idea what he is talking about!!!
I think it looks great!! I, too, am afraid of bunk beds. Tori wanted them so bad and so did Mark, I think, but I was afraid of what Abby would do. Tori is also very cautious, but that Abby is crazy and I know she'd hurt herself climbing, jumping off hte top bunk or something. good luck, let me know how it goes. Abby loves her big girl bed. She thinks he is big in it. You look great, as usual!!!
I think that the bed looks perfect! Aren't you glad you didn't wait to set them up!! Poor little Parker! Good luck for the next few nights!
The beds look great! I think all brothers need to experience the BUNK BED era in their childhood!Lots of fun to come!
Oh my gosh, that picture of Parker on the floor, hilarious! I was cracking up, I had to bring Darren in to show him! Your kids are so dang cute! are so funny. My girls used to sleep in bunk beds and the thought of the top bunk crashing down has never crossed my mind....ever! Anyway, I absolutely love the bedding...and Kaden wanted me to tell you that he used to have pajamas just like the ones Parker is wearing....CUTE!
I'm glad to have found your blog too! Love the new beds! Your boys are SO adorable!
Those beds are so cute, and I love the red bead board, you are so creative!
The boys room looks so good. One day when I have a lot of money I am going to hire you to come decorate my whole house.
Maddox is joining Parker in the Big Boy bed club tonight. I love how the bunk bed looks and I love the bedding. Cute sham swap.
So fun, the beds are adorable and rest assured they look GREAT! I am so sure you had to check on them at 2:30! You're crazy, get some sleep they'll be fine! {We all lived through bunk beds didn't we?!}
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