We started celebrating the long weekend as soon as Payton got done with school on Wednesday. We met Tim for lunch at Cafe Rio and started stuffing ourselves in anticipation for the big day. Then we went over to Tim's parents house to see Andi, Jdub, Ashton & Brice who came in town for the long weekend. The boys were sooo excited to see their ONLY cousins, Ashton & Brice. It was so fun to see how much they have both changed since the last time we saw them. The kids had so much fun playing together all afternoon. After everybody else got done with work (with the exception of Ann & Kent who were still in Cancun), we went over to Eric & Jenny's new house. Andi & Jdub hadn't seen their new house and the rest of us had not seen their new dogs. We got Morellia's for dinner (since it is just seconds away from their house) and watched the kids (including Eric & Jenny's new children) goof off. The boys had fun with the boxing gloves, but as my Dad always says, "What starts in fun, ends in tears."
THANKSGIVING DAY (Thursday, November 22nd)
We all woke up bright & early. Tim went and played in a Turkey Bowl with family and friends while I stayed home and started baking. One of my favorite things to do during the holidays is cooking and baking. I think I'm also making up for lost time since I was sick for so long and HATED being in my kitchen. I was supposed to bring sweet potatoes & rolls to our Thanksgiving dinner. I decided to do 2 different kinds of sweet potatoes, rolls & 2 pumpkin pies. I had more fun preparing for Thanksgiving dinner than I did eating it. I'm so glad to be back in my kitchen again (and so is my family)! We had lunch at Tim's parents house at noon. I was so impressed with his Mom. His parents got off a plane from Cancun at midnight on Wednesday night and she had all the dinner ready to go just 12 hours later. That's impressive (or crazy)!! We had delicious food and a fun time hanging out with family. After we relaxed for a while, we did another one of our favorite Thanksgiving traditions. Tim's family and my family for the past 4 or 5 years have gone to see a movie every Thanksgiving. This year we saw, "Enchanted." It was a darling movie. We all enjoyed it! After the movie, we said goodbye to Tim's family and my family came over to our house to play "Rock Band" (thanks Clint!!) We ate more food and played "Rock Band" all night. It was so much fun! Becca is an amazing drummer, Clint is an "Expert" on the guitars, Tim & My Dad did pretty well on the guitars also. I was horrible at EVERYTHING, but had fun trying. I think I had the most fun singing! It was a wonderful Thanksgiving Day. I have so much to be thankful for and family is at the top of that list. I'm grateful that we got to spend the day with our family!
Friday, November 23rd
We got up and got our tree set up. This is typically the day that we put up all of our decorations, but since we have family in town we decided that we would rather spend the time with them. Payton & Parker woke up early asking to play with Ashton so we left the house early and went over to Tim's parent's house to hang out. We all went to Leatherby's for lunch and had yummy ice cream for dessert. I think I was more full today than I was on Thanksgiving!! We went back to Jones's and just let the boys play all afternoon. Tim and I snuck away for a little bit and did some shopping. We ate dinner with Tim's family and then headed home after a long day of hanging out! I finished decorating the tree while Tim & Payton watched "Meet the Robinson's" and Parker slept.
GAME DAY (Saturday, November 24th)
We gave Tim's family a break and went over to my brother's house to watch the Utah/BYU game. Go UTES!!! We had fun eating lots of food, watching the game and playing "Rock Band" at half time. The day was going great until Utah lost it at the very end. Bummer!! Oh well, we played so more "Rock Band" to relieve our frustrations. We left and came back home. All of Tim's family came out to our house to hang out. We talked Clint & Becca into coming over also and bringing, "Rock Band" so that Tim's family could join in the fun! The rest is history...we played "Rock Band" until our fingers were numb and we couldn't see anymore. It was a lot of fun!!
Sunday, November 25th
We were so exhausted today!! We have been staying up too late at night and still getting up early. It's exhausting just hanging out all weekend. We loved seeing Andi, Jdub, Ashton & Brice, but wish that we could see them more often so that we didn't have to cram it all into one weekend. The boys love playing with Ashton! We all slept in a little this morning and then after church, we went over to Jones's for lunch with the Wrights before they headed back to lovely Bullhead, AZ!! We hung out at Jones's for awhile after we said our goodbye's. Then we came home and put up some more Christmas decorations. What a weekend!!
GOOOOOO COUGS! Sorry! I was happy about the win Bruses loyalty is to the cougs...you Joneses need to get a clue!
What cute pictures you got of the boys and Brice! I wish the weekend could have been longer...oh or that we lived closer!
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