
one week

The first week of Crew's life went so fast.  I was sick to my stomach thinking that a week had already passed.  Realizing that his life was already becoming memories.  In between snuggling him, being spoiled by friends with yummy dinners, changing diapers and figuring out how to feed this little guy, we spent lots of time at doctor appointments.  He was a little bit jaundice so he had to keep going back into the doctor to check his billirubin levels.  Also, he was tongue tied so the doctor clipped his tongue.  He was also struggling to gain weight so they were watching that closely. 

Among the doctor's appointments, I found time to make it to Payton's soccer games.  He was playing in a soccer tournament this week and I didn't want to miss it.  So, I went to his game with my five day old baby...and my other crazy boys.  Of course, Crew just slept away in his car seat.  I only had a mild amount of anxiety about him getting hit with a ball, but it was worth it when Payton scored a goal in the first couple minutes of his first game.  I was so glad I didn't miss it! 

As you can tell from the pictures, the highlight of this week was our new baby.  The boys could definitely not get enough of their new baby brother.  Every day the boys ran in the door from school and showered this little guy with kisses.  There is no doubt that Crew is loved!

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