
hawaii - day four

Another Gecko.  Come to find out that they actually don't talk OR try to sell you insurance.  They are just adorable.

This morning we got all dressed up to go to church on the big island.  We figured it was a great photo opportunity.  It felt more like prom, which made for lots of awkward photos.  We had fun though!

Tim & I don't get to pose together that often so we took full advantage of every single photo op.  I really love this guy.  We truly had so much fun together on this trip!

We went into the town of Waimea for church.  Our friends, Eldon & Danielle Hatch (who become our pseudo tour guides) introduced me to an AMAZING young man named Kuha'o Case this past summer.  He came to our ward and did a fireside.  Tim was out of town at the time, but I took the boys to the fireside.  It was amazing!  He is a 16-year-old blind piano prodigy.  His testimony is just as amazing as his musical abilities.   We were able to go to his ward in Waimea for church and I was so happy to see him up there playing the organ.  It was also beautiful to watch him prepare and bless the sacrament.  His blessing of the sacrament is the most beautiful sacrament prayer I've ever heard.  The people of the Waimea First Ward were so incredible.  Everyone was extremely friendly and welcoming to us.  It was fun to meet Kuha'o again and introduce my friends to him and his grandparents.

After church we ate lunch at a local place called Village Burger.  It was a delicious burger and the Parmesan fries were pretty divine also.  After lunch we headed back to the resort.  We were all pretty tired.  We headed down to the pool where we sat to read and relax until the sun went down.            

After relaxing the sunlight away we decided to get take out from Macaroni Grill (I know, I know...totally against my travel rules, but everyone got a night to pick the food and this was cute Annie's favorite.  That's how much I love her!)  I actually really loved my salad.  We also ate enough Mauna Loa Coconut Balls & Toffee Balls to feed a small country and played some super fun games.  I loved that we were all having so much fun together and everyone was so happy.  Especially Jordan, who couldn't stop laughing about Annie's half sisters?! 

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