They decorated sugar cookies...
Listened to one of the Mom's tell stories...
Waited in line for the bean bag toss...
They had to search for prizes in this guy's stomach...yuck!
After the all the fun activities in the classroom we got to watch the kids walk around in the traditional parade. They did one just for the AM Kindergarten kids. Pretty exciting!
This is Parker & Kyle waiting for the parade to start...
This is our Stake President (or is it Yoda?)...
After we got done with the school activities we went home and took a little break. I let the kids watch a scary halloween movie, "Monsters, Inc." while I made cheese soup and rolls. Then we had to go over to my Grandparents house to trick-or-treat.
Payton as Boba Fett & Parker as Yoda
We came back home and headed out trick-or-treating with some of our neighbor friends. Tim took the kids out while I stayed home to hand out candy and feed our family. Tim's family & my family came out to enjoy soup and bring the kids some extra special treats (I didn't think that you gave gifts on Halloween?!?) What a great day!!
Payton should have one an award at school for the most original costume as well as the most overlooked character in Star Wars.
And yes, grandparents can get presents for any holiday or for no holiday. In the Book of Mormon it is referred to as "present time." Reference: 1 Ne 3:20; Mosiah 1:3, 4; Alma 18:38; Alma 23:5
; Alma 36:29; Alma 47:35; 3 Ne 5:15 - Need I continue?
Hey, we didn't say that your stake president could borrow the yoda costume!! looks good on him! It looks like you had a fun Halloween, the boys look cute!
What a wonderful day and great pictures!
Hey Britney-came across your blog through Lindsey's blog. K your boys are darling! That Parker, oh my gosh, so cute! He looks like the boy version of my niece! Cute blog! P.S. Mindy Henderson says hello...I wax her brows!
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