
time budget

Today is my first day at the new job {CEO of the Jones Household}. The first thing I did was make myself a time budget to stay organized. I've always tried to have a time budget, but recently I had not been good about using one. I'm getting back into a routine and schedule in order to turn this company around. This is just a little excel spreadsheet that I've made up. I like things color coded because I know what they represent just by looking at them. On my chart, pink is personal time, blue is family time, orange is household time, yellow is Tim time and red is church time. I like to be as planned out as possible, but also vague so that I can be flexible. For example, I have office time for two hours every day. This time includes e-mails, blogging, balancing the checkbook and basically anything I need to do in my office. Don't look too closely at this time budget or think that I actually follow this perfectly. This is just a guideline or a wish list!

If you're interested in learning {a lot} more about time management or creating a time budget I would recommend reading Julie Morgenstern's Time Management from the Inside Out. I have a copy if anyone wants to borrow it.


Becca said...

You are making me realize how unorganized I am! Can you make time in your schedule to organize my life?

Amanda said...

WOW- you are so awesome! Even just to think about creating this type of system is great. This would be very helpful for me because I have the worst memory- I mean I walk into the kitchen and can't even remember why I did. GREAT IDEA!! Thanks for sharing all these great ideas!

TRICIA said...

that is so impressive! you get up at 5 to exercise! is that how you got so dang skinny! good luck with the schedule. I got tired reading it!

Jensens said...

Great idea! I've felt like I 'm so "out of whack" lately, maybe something like this would help. I would have to schedule more than 6 hours of sleep, though. If only I could do with less sleep.... Thanks for the inspiration!

Amanda said...

This is something I could only DREAM of doing. I am SO unorganized!!

Hum... maybe I should try it! Might make a big difference in my house!

Anonymous said...

I love love love that you do this! How fun is it that you take these personal challenges? You know you are growing leaps and bounds while the rest of us sleep right? No more I say! I am on board to KEEP UP WITH THE JONES'!

Utley Family said...

Once again you have inspired me! I love your enthusiasm and dedication. Our family started a family cheer when Michael and Nicole were little. We don't do it very often anymore, but it has been a good reminder to our family that we are a team working toward a common goal. Keep up the good work!