
lucky dice

The homework project fun has definitely begun at our house this year.  This is Payton's second project he has had to do this year.  First, it was his Famous People Report and now the Science Project.  Payton (with the help of Tim) found this dice idea online and decided it would be fun.  Payton really likes math so a statistical project was perfect for him.  Tim was a great help (with those handy dandy graph charts), but Payton had to do all the typing himself, which took a LONG time.  It was fun to see all the kids science projects and to hear Payton talking about what everyone else did.  Also, he now has a specific brand of popcorn we have to buy at the store, because someone did a project and they said it was the best!  I love when he can bring the things he learns at school home and apply them to our life!  Hey, maybe those third graders can apply what they learned from Payton's project in Vegas...   


for the record

12 weeks...I wouldn't say that I'm showing, but I've definitely put on the pounds!

I am quickly approaching my second trimester of pregnancy.  I was looking back through my journals and blog entries from my previous pregnancies to find out when I can expect to start feeling better.  I realized that I didn't write much about the specifics of how I was feeling.  Maybe because the feelings are permanently ingrained in my memory.  Or maybe because at the time I thought that I didn't EVER want to remember feeling so horrible.  Either way, if things go as planned (which I've learned recently through a close family member that they don't) this will probably be my last pregnancy.  It's easy to think now that I'll never forget these things OR that I don't want to remember them, but I know soon enough I'll be reading over these words and feel so grateful that I wrote them down.  With that being said, here is how I've been feeling that last 6 weeks.

Obviously, when I first found out I was pregnant I felt great, but knew that the nauseous feelings would be coming soon.  Right on cue, at about 6 weeks pregnant my happy go lucky world turned into misery.  I was sick.  The 24/7 nauseousness had begun and I knew that all I could do was endure it well for the next 7-10 weeks.  IMMEDIATELY, I made a decision that I was going to have a good attitude this time.  I wasn't going to mope around and complain the whole time.  I was going to be positive.  It was only temporary and, "...this too shall pass."  I warned Tim that I was feeling sick, but that he wouldn't hear me complain every second of the day too much.  I know that I haven't been great about this (I'm sure you can all attest), but I've really tried hard not to be a Downer Deb.

Things that make me most sick are the things that I normally LOVE the most:
-Diet Coke or Pepsi
-Kissing Tim
-Playing Scrabble, reading scriptures, anything that uses my brain!

Things I can tolerate the most right now:
-Hugging Tim
-Watching TV

A day in the life of Brittany during the first trimester:

-Wake up at 7:15 am so that I can wake Payton up for school.
-Get Cooper milk and turn on Dora (unless his brother's have already done this for him).
-Eat a bowl of cereal in bed while I watch the morning news and check e-mail, google reader or facebook (anything to distract me from the way I'm feeling).
-Get out of bed about 7:50 to see if Payton needs lunch, do his hair (sometimes) and pray with the family.
-Go back to bed and continue my laziness until 8:45 am.  Get gym clothes on, get Coop & Park dressed and then go to the gym.  (This was until a week ago when I found out my gym is closing.  Now I just stay in bed during that time I would normally have gone to the gym).
-Eat morning snack, bagel w/cream cheese, orange, or a yogurt.
-Shower and get ready (if I have to go somewhere or see someone).
-Rest...sit on my bed that get's made about every other day and watch The View or Studio 5.  If I'm feeling good I read a book, the Ensign or my scriptures.
-Make Parker lunch and get him off to school.
-Rest some more...watch soap opera's, news or anything else that's on tv.
-Maybe do something productive (load of laundry, run an errand, make bed, read to Cooper), but probably not.
-Straighten kitchen and family room before kids get home from school.
-Greet kids as they get home from school, give them a snack, look at their homework, get them situated.
-Back to my bed...watch Oprah.
-Tim comes home to save the day (every other week) and we help the kids with homework, heat up something for dinner (chicken nuggets, grilled cheese, waffles, spaghettio's, noodles).  I haven't cooked a real meal in over 6 weeks.  Nobody is complaining!
-This is my WORST TIME OF THE DAY.  I'm sicker than normal, exhausted and ready for bed by 7:00 pm.  I usually veg out on the couch or in my bed.
-7:45 I tell the boys to get in the shower and I try to help get through the whole bedtime routine.
-As soon as the boys are in bed at 8:30 pm...so am I.  I usually watch tv while Tim cleans up the house.  I'm uncomfortable, miserable, tired, but too uncomfortable to sleep.  Nights are the worst.  I wake up 20x every night to go to the bathroom.  I have the craziest dreams that keep me awake.  I can't get comfortable (did I mention that already?)  I hate nighttime. 

How Tim is handling the first trimester:

Tim is AMAZING!  He seriously picks up my slack so well.  I don't feel like our lives are chaotic at all (which is weird if you just read what I do all day).  I feel like things are so simple and easy going.  If I don't get around to the laundry...Tim does it.  If we run out of food...Tim buys some more.  If the house is a mess...Tim cleans it up.  I've never heard him complain.  I'm sure he is under his breath.  He's definitely made his fair share of sarcastic comments.  I'm sure he's not loving this situation, but he just does it, without being asked and without hesitation.  When he's in town he'll make the boys eggs & toast for breakfast.  He'll come upstairs on his way to an appointment and quickly unload and load the dishwasher.  He gets home from working all day long and just starts picking up all the pieces of our home.  He helps the boys with their homework, science projects, book reports, etc.  He does everything I can't, which is everything right now.  He is making our home a happy place to be for all of us!  Most of all, he's putting up with ME.  That's the biggest job of all and he's doing it so well.

How Payton, Parker & Cooper are handling the first trimester:

Oh please.  I've realized these kids don't even need me.  They are so responsible.  They are telling me what they need and when they need it.  They don't seem to notice or care that I spend all day in bed with the tv on.  They get their own breakfast every morning, snacks and even lunch and dinner if I let them.  Cooper potty trained himself and does all his business on his own.  The only thing he needs me for is to get him milk refills on occasion throughout the day.  Yes, it is not the ideal situation right now.  My kids are watching more tv than I'd ever want anyone to know, but so am I.  I feel like the situation is only temporary and I will soon be able to heal those scars.  I hope.

This first trimester has had me filled with so much gratitude.  It has me thanking my Heavenly Father for the simple things in life.  I absolutely love sitting with Cooper on my bed, reading books, talking to him about his guys and hearing how much he loves me.  He is constantly telling me, "I love you, Mommy."  I love watching Payton and Parker take care of each other.  Be responsible.  Do their chores.  Play their sports.  Grow up.  It seems like just yesterday I was carrying them in my womb.  I watch my children in awe everyday at the miracle of life and the growth that happens every. single. day.

I am also so incredibly grateful for Tim.  I'm not sure how I got so lucky.  I'm in awe at how well he is taking care of our family right now.  I don't feel like I deserve it.  I can't wait to repay him back after I start feeling better.  He is truly amazing and is my hero right now.

Those are just a few of my random thoughts before I leave this first trimester behind.  I hope that I start feeling better soon, but if not, I know I can endure it.  I am 12 weeks today and am hoping that within the next few weeks I start feeling better and get some of my mojo back!

This is me without my mojo.


celebrating v-day

Somehow I was able to pull off some celebrating on Valentine's Day.  I love celebrating holidays with my family so it was hard for me to be so sick.  Payton was also sick and had to stay home from school so it was another great excuse to be low key.  I ended up getting darling box lunches from Kneaders and we all got to have lunch together as a family.  Also, the boys got some fun presents on the doorstep from Cupid?!  It ended up being a great day despite all the sickies in the house!


happy valentines day

When Valentine's Cards came out this year, I rolled my eyes at the same selection my boys get to choose from every. single. year.  I'm pretty sure they don't even make new cards.  They just ship out the same Iron Man, Spiderman, Batman, NBA, etc.  Maybe it was my nauseous pregnant state that wouldn't let me buy them after seeing my boys reach for the same cards they gave out last year.  In one quick trip to Target, I decided we were making homemade Valentine Card's this year.  Even more surprising, my boys were totally on board!  We had so much fun making these together this year that I don't think I'll ever be able to go back to the buy-in-a-box kind.

This was also the first year that Payton got to make his own Valentine Box...so exciting!  This was always a highlight of my childhood although I can't even remember what any of mine looked like.  I just remember it was fun.  Payton and Tim whipped up this robot.  Unfortunately, Payton is going to miss out on one of the funnest school days of the year because he's home sick today.  His robot and Valentine cards are going to his class to make his debut without him!

Happy Valentine's Day!


sweetie pies

My sister sent me the link to this recipe and I knew I had to try it out, even in my can't-step-foot-in-the-kitchen-or-open-the-fridge-without-gagging-state.  These were totally worth it.  Of course, I completely modified the recipe for my lifestyle right now.  I bought refrigerated pie crust, a can of cherry filling and went to work!  I also didn't make them into pops, as suggested.  I made an icing (powdered sugar, butter, milk) and drizzled it on top.  I am going to take these to our family Valentine's Dinner on Sunday.  These bite size treats are so yummy.  I'm also going to give them to my boys teachers for Valentine's Day.  This would also be a fun treat to give to friends or neighbors.  Here is the template I used for the sticker.  You just need to print these on sticker paper and use a 1 11/16" punch (or anything up to 2" should work.)


ten weeks

DISCLAIMER:  This post is full of Too Much Information so read if you dare!

We were going to start trying to have another baby after we got back from our Disneyland vacation in June.  I had no races planned and no more vacations planned.  It was our last big hoopla before baby making time.

After our vacation, I had my doctor's appointment all set up to remove my IUD, but Tim and I both chickened out.  Tim suggested that we should wait.  I felt relieved.  However, this had been the plan for 6 months and I don't deviate well from plans.  Nevertheless, we both felt good about our decision.  We decided to wait until January.  6 months.

In the meantime, we did a lot of praying.  I did a lot of convincing Tim that we needed to have a fourth child.  He was having a stupor of thought while I was dreaming of a dozen more children.  We needed to be on the same page.  After much fasting and prayer, we were finally on the same page.  I had my IUD removed in November to give my body enough time to prepare to conceive by January.  It wouldn't be hard to avoid conception since most of Tim's trips were planned during the time I was ovulating and my "most fertile day" was always smack dab in the middle of the week.  Perfect.  I figured this wouldn't be a problem until January when I really needed him to be in town a certain time of the month.

The first month after getting my IUD came and went without a pregnancy...whew!  Okay, one more month until baby making time.  I was getting really excited.  Yearning for another pregnancy; another child.  At the same time, my son was asking Santa for a baby sister.  Our family was ready.

Another ovulation cycle came and Tim was on another trip.  I was at lunch with some friends of mine, when one of them started discussing ways that she was going to "try" to have a girl.  She mentioned that you are supposed to try to conceive 4 days before ovulation.  4 DAYS...what?!  You can get pregnant that many days before or after ovulation?!  I always thought there was about a 48-hour window.  I never realized that was possible and then I started doing the math about my cycle and when Tim left.  If that's the case...I could be pregnant!  

The next day was my "most fertile day."  I was cramping really bad that evening and discovered that cramping during ovulation was normal.  Over the next couple weeks I had some tenderness and I was exhausted.  All the signs of pregnancy (or PMS).  What was I thinking?  There is no way I could be pregnant.  But, what if I was?  That would seem to be a miracle and Heavenly Father's way of telling us that this baby has been waiting and is anxious to get here!

Christmas came and went, but I knew the biggest present for me would be 5 days after Christmas.  The day I was supposed to start my period.  We had family in town.  The week was busy.  The days flew by so quickly.  One evening, I had a dream that I was pregnant.  I woke up and remembered that this was the day I was supposed to start my period.  My friend (the same one who told me you can get pregnant 4 days before ovulation), had given me a pregnancy test as a joke awhile back.  I remembered that I had that stashed in my bathroom.  I pulled it out and decided to give it a try.  Sure that it was just wishful thinking and there was no way I could be pregnant.

The house was silent.  Everyone was still asleep.  I took the test, then went to the kitchen to get a glass of water.  I sat in the kitchen giving myself a pep talk.  "It's okay if you're not pregnant.  This wasn't part of the plan.  You weren't even going to start trying until next month."  Then my self talk became more rational, "There is no way.  Why did you just waste a pregnancy test?  You'll probably start you period in a few hours.  Don't be so impatient."

I walked back to the bathroom, prepared for my fate.  I picked up the stick with my eyes closed.  I physically couldn't open them.  I wasn't ready.  I said a quick prayer then opened my eyes.

I was pregnant.

What?  Pregnant.  I'm pregnant.  I'm pregnant.  I'm having a baby.  I'M HAVING A BABY.  Pregnant.  I was shocked.  I felt blessed.  I immediately fell to my knees and thanked my Heavenly Father.  Then I grabbed my ipad and started checking the dates.  September 7th.  As much as I wanted to be pregnant, I was shocked at how this happened.  I felt so blessed.  Humbled.  Overwhelmed.  Excited.  Shocked.

I got ready and went to the gym.  I came home to my family eating breakfast.  Tim kissed me and I thought, Oh boy is he going to be shocked.  We had a busy day.  Tim was framing the basement and I was going to my parents to hang out with my family.  I didn't tell him.  Not yet.  It wasn't the right time.  Plus, for as shocked as I was, Tim was going to be twenty times more shocked.

I spent the day with my family.  The only thought going through my head, I'm pregnant.  All.  Day.  Long.  I'm pregnant.  It was surreal.  The day felt surreal.  This could possibly, probably, positively be my last pregnancy.  I'll never get a chance to experience these shocking feelings again.  I let myself soak up every second of it.

The boys were having a sleepover at my parent's house.  I headed home late in the evening.  It was a snowy, gorgeous December drive home.  I stopped by and rented a movie for Tim and I to watch.  He had been finishing up his framing in the basement all day long.  I knew he would be exhausted and want to relax.  When I got home, he took me downstairs to show off his handy work.  As we stood in the basement, it was the perfect setting.  We were beginning to finish off an unfinished part of our home and at the same time we were also beginning to finish off an unfinished part of our family.

Tim was happy with his accomplishment and exhausted.  He said, "I'm just glad we don't have any sort of deadline to get this done and that I can take my time."

"August."  I heard come out of mouth, as if I was a third-party watching.

Tim just stared at me and then smiled, "Are you serious?"

"I'm just as shocked as you are."  I smiled.

"Congratulations."  Tim smiled back.  We both sat hugging in the basement family room knowing that our lives as we knew them were changing.  We held each other because that's really all we both knew what to do and that's what we'll continue to do.

Hold on.

I'm ten weeks pregnant now and just trying to survive each day.  The last 4 weeks have been rough, but I can't believe I've already survived this long.  If things go as they have in the past, in 4 more weeks I should start feeling better.  Right now I'm just holding on and counting my blessings!


parker's kung zhu birthday party

Parker requested a Kung Zhu Birthday Party and the only place I found ideas was right here.  In the end, most of what I ended up doing just happened, but I think it turned out great.  If you'd like templates for party favors and cupcake toppers you find them here.

As the children arrived at the party they brought their Kung Zhu pets to the battle arena and started to battle...

As soon as everyone arrived it was pure Kung Zhu Battle pandemonium bliss...

When that got old we played balloon battle...

It was hilarious with this age group.  It took us awhile to tell if they were just terrified or enjoying it.  Most were terrified...Parker, Logan, Ryker and Kyle were the MVP's of this game.  Also, Alex gets an honorable mention for popping a balloon although it scared her to death!

After we cleaned up balloons, we played human battle arena...

After that we played "hot and cold" to find everyone's pets that we hid.  Then Parker's favorite part...

Followed by "Happy Birthday to you..." and cupcakes!

It's amazing how fast these parties fly by...just like these kids lives.  We can hardly believe that Parker is SIX YEARS OLD.  He's grown up so much...literally this year...he's actually looking like a six year old now.  He's always acted his age.  He's very smart and funny.  He is my little lover boy.  He loves to hug and cuddle.  He is a mama's boy, but loves running around with his Dad and big brother.  He's really starting to enjoy playing basketball with them and throwing the football.  He's a serious video gamer...this kids got skills!  We love our Parky-park and are so glad he had a fabulous birthday!


kung zhu templates

Here are the templates I used for Parker's Kung Zhu party favors.  I used a round punch to cut out the labels and printed them on sticker paper.  So easy!